Our Favorite Hike

Ever since we discovered “Firenze, The Walking City” published hiking routes, we have taken some great walks.  Yesterday we hiked our longest, about nine miles, and favorite route of all.  The path wound up hills and through beautiful villas and small communities.

hike-Deb back  hike-path

Luckily, we took our umbrellas because about half way through our hike it started to drizzle.

hike-Deb front

At first the rain seemed cozy and made the hillsides look different from our previous walks.


It started raining harder, but we felt like adventurers and kept on going.  We had to keep going because there was no place to stop.  As we got close to home, it started to pour and we heard thunder and saw lightening,  We were soaked by the time we got home, but we felt great.

After drying out, we went to Mangia, our favorite pizzeria, for lunch and chatted with the wine manager.  He comes from a long line of wine makers and gave us quite an overview of Italian wine.

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Before going home, we went to Galleria del Chianti, Paul’s favorite enoteca (wine shop), to get some wine that we wanted to try.  The owner is always helps us make good selections.
